Markforged Resources
AM Friday Ep. 9 — Software in 3D Printing — More than Just a Slicer
In this live AM Friday, Nick Martin and Daniel Leong cover the wide variety of software used in additive manufacturing. Learn how 3D printing software is evolving from simple slicers to optimized manufacturing tools.
Designing for Additive Manufacturing: An Overview
Additive manufacturing introduces a very different method of creating parts. Learn about designing for additive manufacturing, its pros and cons, and how you can take advantage of the process to improve your design and manufacturing workflow.
What is 3D Printing?
Heard about 3D printing but not sure where to start? In this video, we cover the basics of printing: how it started, where it's at now, and what you can use it for.
Markforged in the Classroom: Using 3D Printing in Education
Alex Larson, teacher at Palatine High School, explains how Markforged has expanded his students' learning experience in the classroom.
使用 Markforged 3D 打印机制造高质量定制工具,提高设备维修效率。
通过使用专为您的流程优化设计的 3D 打印零件,可以有效辅助手动和自动装配操作。
借助高强度 3D 打印技术在生产前了解零件的实际应用表现。
采用 3D 打印技术制作出具有精确尺寸和光滑表面的形态研究原型,可以优化设计流程。
对于小批量生产、定制零件或几何形状极其复杂的组件,可以利用 3D 打印技术直接制造最终零件。
采用 3D 打印技术,以远低于传统制造方法的成本,制造坚固耐用、尺寸精确的检验用夹具。